2 steps aside

2 steps aside:

For this work, Cole made a journey from Texel (the Netherlands) to Bialowieza (Poland), a journey from a cultural landscape, the Dutch polders recently reclaimed from the sea, to the only remaining piece of primeval forest in Europe. In the middle of that journey (geographically and mentally), Cole visited a landscape park in Branitz (Germany). In this park, designed by Fürst Pückler Muscau, nature was composed for the first time in function of a visitor on foot. Previously, avenues were created in landscape parks so that people could move from one spectacular view to another by carriage. In Branitz, new views are constantly emerging. Cole made three pairs of photos in which I took two steps sideways in between the images. He converted these images into three times two drawings that were presented with the same spacing as in which the photos were taken (2 steps).

These photos where taken at Be-Part, the expo room there is round so he brought the left and right sides forward a bit to position both works in a straight line next to each other.


Façades was an expo with Hans Demeulenaere, Wesley Meuris, Honoré d’O & Stijn Cole